


没有人失去所有的时间我有一个叔叔叫索尔是一个天生的失败,几乎每个人都说他应该进入杂耍也许是因为我叔叔溶胶可以唱麦肯在圣诞前夕他是一个潜水员像地狱本身可能会或可能不会占我叔叔索尔沉溺于这一事实,可能最不可原谅的是使用highfalootin短语奢侈品,或智慧农业和不必要的添加我叔叔溶胶的农场失败了,因为鸡所以我吃蔬菜Uncle Sol had a chicken farm till the skunks ate the chickens when my Uncle Sol had a skunk farm but the skunks caught cold and died so my Uncle Sol imitated the skunks in a subtle manner or by drowning himself in the watertank but somebody who'd given my Unde Sol a Victor Victrola and records while he lived presented to him upon the auspicious occasion of his decease a scrumptious not to mention splendiferous funeral with tall boys in black gloves and flowers and everything and i remember we all cried like the Missouri when my Uncle Sol's coffin lurched because somebody pressed a button (and down went my Uncle Sol and started a worm farm)