

  • 时间1642 - 1729
  • 的地方
  • 国家英格兰


爱德华·泰勒于1642年出生在英格兰的莱斯特郡。他最初是一名教师,但后来离开英国去了美国。他在哈佛大学学习神学,然后成为马萨诸塞州的牧师。泰勒是一名新英格兰清教徒,担任牧师长达60年。在那段时间里,他写了大量的诗歌,并被认为是清教徒时代最优秀的作家之一。他的诗歌有一种虔诚的品质,强调自我反省,特别是在个人与上帝的关系中。他的作品直到1939年才出版——在他死后两年多。唐纳德·e·斯坦福(Donald E. Stanford)编辑的一个作品集评论道:“泰勒似乎被赋予了清教徒这个词通常所蕴含的大部分品质。”他博学、严肃、严厉、固执、固执。他非常非常虔诚。 But his piety was sincere. It was fed by a long continuous spiritual experience arising, so he felt, from a mystical communion with Christ. The reality and depth of this experience is amply witnessed by his poetry." A custom of Taylor's was to write a poem (or 'Meditation') before each Lord's Supper. Important themes in his work included: his adoption of the Biblical David as his model for the poet; the concept of poetry as an act/offering of ritual praise; distinctions between the godly and ungodly; God's power as Creator; and God's voice as that which speaks truly and which man's voice merely echoes. Taylor died in 1729.