

  • 时间1869 - 1935
  • 的地方缅因州
  • 国家美国


他出生并成长于缅因州的一个富裕家庭,是三个儿子中最小的一个,并没有准备好接管家族企业。相反,他从小就追求诗歌,作为最年轻的成员加入了当地的诗歌协会。他上了哈佛大学,但他的个人生活很快就被一系列悲剧所困扰,这些悲剧反映在他的作品中。他的父亲去世了,家庭破产了,他的一个兄弟染上了吗啡瘾,他的母亲感染了黑白喉,最终死于黑白喉。由于这种疾病具有高度传染性,当地的殡仪馆甚至不愿意处理尸体,迫使罗宾逊和他的兄弟们自己埋葬她。不久之后,他遇到了一位名叫艾玛·谢泼德(Emma Shepherd)的女人,并与她坠入爱河,但他也确信婚姻和家庭责任会阻碍他作为诗人的工作,所以他把她介绍给了他的大哥,并娶了她。虽然他的兄弟同意支持罗宾逊(并且确实每月给他少量的津贴,只要他能应付他破产的生意),但这位诗人和他哥哥的妻子之间的关系是他们之间关系紧张的根源。后来,他的二哥也死了,显然是自杀。几年来,罗宾逊生活在贫困中,在朋友的帮助下继续写作和出版。他的第一次突破是在1905年,当时泰迪·罗斯福总统读了罗宾逊的早期作品之一《夜之子》。 He was so impressed by it that he arranged a job for Robinson at a custom house, so that he could continue writing. Unfortunately, this was the least fecund period in his creative career, and when he lost the president's patronage after Roosevelt term of office ended, his employers cracked down on Robinson until he eventually quit. Soon after, he wrote The Town down the River, which was critically acclaimed. In 1911, he found a patroness in the person of the widow of composer Edward MacDowell and worked to improve his poetry even further. He also attempted writing plays, but these were not well-received. Another, anonymous patron, who began supporting him in 1916 ensured that Robinson was financially self-sufficient. He began work on an Arthurian trilogy, Merlin, Lancelot, and Tristram. In 1922, Robinson received the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry for his Collected Poems: He won it again in 1925 for The Man Who Died Twice and in 1928 for Tristram, the third part of his trilogy. With his new-found fame and fortune, he made a radical change in his lifestyle too, tending to himself and even starting to drink again, claiming that he was doing it to protest Prohibition. He published regularly until the day he died, in New York City in 1935. A song based on Robinson's poem "Richard Cory" was recorded by Simon and Garfunkel on their second album, Sounds of Silence.