


蓝色的山矗立在西边,在漫长的暮色中,维克里双手合十坐着,维克里呢?她的眼睛很明亮。他很聪明,因为他知道世上其他人还不知道的事。it’这是他从不说出口的金句,也是他不愿展示的礼物。他梦想着荣誉、财富和名望,他笑了,他笑得很好;因为有一次一个病人来到维克里,他没有离开。就在那天的前一天,维克瑞?客人说,“你知道什么?”谁离开我了?其余的你就知道了。当你活着的时候,你知道我已经来到了这个我们称之为结束的地方。毫无疑问,你觉得我很麻烦,但你呢?我也找到了一个朋友; ?For we shall give and you shall take The gold that is in view; The mountain there and I shall make A golden man of you. ?And you shall leave a friend behind Who neither frets nor feels; And you shall move among your kind With hundreds at your heels. ?Now this that I have written here Tells all that need be told; So, Vickery, take the way that?s clear. And be a man of gold.? Vickery turned his eyes again To the far mountain-side, And wept a tear for worthy men Defeated and defied. Since then a crafty score of years Have come, and they have gone; But Vickery counts no lost arrears: He lingers and lives on. Blue in the west the mountain stands, Familiar as a face. Blue, but Vickery knows what sands Are golden at its base. He dreams and lives upon the day When he shall walk with kings. Vickery smiles?and well he may. The life-caged linnet sings. Vickery thinks the time will come To go for what is his; But hovering, unseen hands at home Will hold him where he is. There?s a golden word that he never tells And a gift that he will not show. All to be given to some one else? And Vickery not to know.