


他爬到悬崖边,在边缘玩耍,在那里,除了他自己,别人的眼睛都缩了起来;除了海浪他听不到音乐吗?贝壳和野草是他唯一的玩具。母亲找不到摇篮曲,像呜咽的风一样唱着哄他入睡;哀号越响,扫得越猛,他呼吸越深,睡得越香。现在他的流浪的脚可以到达荒凉的海滩上崎岖的足迹;像海妖一样爬来爬去,寻找蟹和虾常去的地方。无人引导,无人帮助,他攀爬到最远的海带滑脊;当他站在那里嘲笑时,他勇敢的心在发光?我们在突出的岩石上叫喊。几年过去了?and now he stands Bareheaded on the shelving sands. A boat is moor?d, but his young hands cope Right well with the twisted cable rope; He frees the craft, she kisses the tide; The boy has climb?d her beaten side: She drifts?she floats?he shouts with glee; His soul hath claim?d its right on the sea. ?T is vain to tell him the howling breath Rides over the waters with wreck and death: He ?ll say there ?s more of fear and pain On the plague-ridden earth than the storm-lash?d main. ?T would be as wise to spend thy power In trying to lure the bee from the flower, The lark from the sky, or the worm from the grave, As in weaning the Sea-Child from the wave.