


我们在海边散步,在这一天,它的荣耀无声地消逝了——就像那位古怪的公主,与天才作斗争,被烤焦了,用燃烧的呼吸说:“嗬!胜利!”沉下去,变成一堆苍白的灰烬;这就是阿拉伯的传说。我们头顶上的天空是一片无所不在的、静止不动的云,在这片云上,悬崖峭壁只让我们看到他们威严的轮廓,当人群凝视着他们时,他们就像睿智的人!水的灰色在月光的教导下摇曳着,闪烁着幽暗。月亮和星星都没有出来。他们虽然战战兢兢,却不敢跟着太阳的脚步走得那么快。那光既不是黑夜的,也不是白昼的,它象生命一样,在它的疑惑中有一种美;四周的沉默热烈的呼吸似乎游荡成声音。 O solemn-beating heart Of nature! I have knowledge that thou art Bound unto man's by cords he cannot sever--- And, what time they are slackened by him ever, So to attest his own supernal part, Still runneth thy vibration fast and strong, The slackened cord along. For though we never spoke Of the grey water anal the shaded rock,--- Dark wave and stone, unconsciously, were fused Into the plaintive speaking that we used, Of absent friends and memories unforsook; And, had we seen each other's face, we had Seen haply, each was sad.