


那天,他在门廊边听着,听着车轮不停地转动;然后它停了下来,跑开了,同时他把太阳从门里带来了:但现在我的旋转已经完成了。他坐在我身边,发誓说爱一旦开始就永不结束;我笑了——我们两人都相信,只有一个人相信的真理:现在我的纺纱全部完成了。我母亲诅咒我,因为我在纺纱时听到了一个年轻人的求爱声:谢谢你,残酷的母亲,谢谢你的这句话——因为我从此认识了一个更坚强的人!现在我的旋转都完成了。我想——哦,上帝!两种声音都淹没了我的耳朵:我痛苦地听着——是寂静使我呻吟!现在我的旋转都完成了。把我埋在我母亲的墓旁,(她在她临终时独自诅咒我)和我死去的孩子的墓旁(上帝保佑!) Who, not to bless me, would not moan. And now my spinning is all done. 6 A stone upon my heart and head, But no name written on the stone! Sweet neighbours, whisper low instead, "This sinner was a loving one-- And now her spinning is all done." 7 And let the door ajar remain, In case he should pass by anon; And leave the wheel out very plain,-- That HE, when passing in the sun, May see the spinning is all done.