


我们播种土地,收获谷物,我们建造可以休息的房子,然后,有时,突然,我们仰望广阔的天空,问我们为什么出生?认真还是开玩笑?感官在压抑的灵魂周围密密麻密地折叠着,我们猜想着外面的神秘事物,怀着深切的渴望向往着它们;我们盲目地向一个我们相信却看不见的目标进发。我们在喘息和颤抖中颤抖,永恒在上帝周围缠绕成蛇。年代的座位;同时,在他的脚上,他的全叶意志逐渐成长,从这个世界扩展到另一个世界。而且,在太阳下的骚动和过度的行为和激情中,我们有时会听到?哦,温柔而遥远,就像银星与星的触碰,和平与正义的吻,贯穿于所做的一切。上帝把他神圣的奥秘就放在人的外面?年代的梦想;在缓慢的平静中,我们想听它们的羽翼起落,而它们在他的眼睛下纯洁地漂浮,像天鹅顺溪流而下。 Abstractions, are they, from the forms Of His great beauty??exaltations From His great glory??strong previsions Of what we shall be??intuitions Of what we are?in calms and storms, Beyond our peace and passions? Things nameless! which, in passing so, Do stroke us with a subtle grace. We say, `Who passes???they are dumb. We cannot see them go or come: Their touches fall soft, cold, as snow Upon a blind man?s face. Yet, touching so, they draw above Our common thoughts to Heaven?s unknown, Our daily joy and pain advance To a divine significance, Our human love?O mortal love, That light is not its own! And sometimes horror chills our blood To be so near such mystic Things, And we wrap round us for defence Our purple manners, moods of sense? As angels from the face of God Stand hidden in their wings. And sometimes through life?s heavy swound We grope for them!?with strangled breath We stretch our hands abroad and try To reach them in our agony,? And widen, so, the broad life-wound Which soon is large enough for death.