


够了!我们累了,我的心和我。我们这样坐在墓碑旁,希望那名字为我们而刻。青苔更温柔地重印着泥瓦匠刀的坚硬纹路,就像天堂的甜蜜生命更新着尘世的生命,我们厌倦了尘世,我和我的心。你看我们都累了,我和我的心。我们和书打交道,我们信任男人,我们用自己的血浸透了笔,仿佛这些色彩不能飞扬。我们走得太直,命运也走不到头;我们爱得太真诚,朋友也留不住;最后我们累了,我的心和我。我和我的心感到多么疲惫啊!我们在这个世界上似乎毫无用处;我们灰白的幻想冷漠地挂在男人的眼睛上;我们的声音使你如此激动,将使你入睡; our tears are only wet : What do we here, my heart and I ? IV. So tired, so tired, my heart and I ! It was not thus in that old time When Ralph sat with me 'neath the lime To watch the sunset from the sky. `Dear love, you're looking tired,' he said; I, smiling at him, shook my head : 'Tis now we're tired, my heart and I. V. So tired, so tired, my heart and I ! Though now none takes me on his arm To fold me close and kiss me warm Till each quick breath end in a sigh Of happy languor. Now, alone, We lean upon this graveyard stone, Uncheered, unkissed, my heart and I. VI. Tired out we are, my heart and I. Suppose the world brought diadems To tempt us, crusted with loose gems Of powers and pleasures ? Let it try. We scarcely care to look at even A pretty child, or God's blue heaven, We feel so tired, my heart and I. VII. Yet who complains ? My heart and I ? In this abundant earth no doubt Is little room for things worn out : Disdain them, break them, throw them by And if before the days grew rough We once were loved, used, -- well enough, I think, we've fared, my heart and I.