


还是黑暗的。那只不知名的鸟坐在它平常的树枝上。隔壁的小狗在睡梦中好奇地叫着,就一次。也许在睡梦中,鸟儿也会颤抖着问一两次。问题——如果这就是问题的话——在白天就能直接、简单地得到回答。漫长的早晨,沉闷,一丝不苟;灰色的光沿着每根光秃秃的树枝,每根单根,沿着一边,形成另一棵树,玻璃般的纹理……那只鸟仍然坐在那里。现在他好像在打哈欠。小黑狗在他的院子里跑。 His owner's voice arises, stern, "You ought to be ashamed!" What has he done? He bounces cheerfully up and down; he rushes in circles in the fallen leaves. Obviously, he has no sense of shame. He and the bird know everything is answered, all taken care of, no need to ask again. ---Yesterday brought to today so lightly! (A yesterday I find almost impossible to lift.)