


在这个晴朗的早晨,从布鲁克林,越过布鲁克林大桥,请飞过来。在一片火红的、苍白的化学物质的云中,请飞来吧,成千上万的蓝色小鼓点从湛蓝的天空中呼啸而下,飞过闪闪发光的港湾水面,请飞来吧。口哨声、三角旗和烟雾缭绕。船只亲切地发出信号,无数的旗帜像鸟儿一样在整个港口升起和落下。进入:两条河,优雅地承载着无数透明的小水母,它们装在用银链拖着的切割玻璃花瓶里。飞行是安全的;天气都安排好了。在这个晴朗的早晨,海浪潺潺而下。请飞过来。来吧,每只黑色鞋子的尖头都拖着蓝宝石的亮点,黑色的披肩上有蝴蝶的翅膀和蝴蝶,天知道有多少天使骑在你宽阔的黑色帽檐上,请飞翔吧。 Bearing a musical inaudible abacus, a slight censorious frown, and blue ribbons, please come flying. Facts and skyscrapers glint in the tide; Manhattan is all awash with morals this fine morning, so please come flying. Mounting the sky with natural heroism, above the accidents, above the malignant movies, the taxicabs and injustices at large, while horns are resounding in your beautiful ears that simultaneously listen to a soft uninvented music, fit for the musk deer, please come flying. For whom the grim museums will behave like courteous male bower-birds, for whom the agreeable lions lie in wait on the steps of the Public Library, eager to rise and follow through the doors up into the reading rooms, please come flying. We can sit down and weep; we can go shopping, or play at a game of constantly being wrong with a priceless set of vocabularies, or we can bravely deplore, but please please come flying. With dynasties of negative constructions darkening and dying around you, with grammar that suddenly turns and shines like flocks of sandpipers flying, please come flying. Come like a light in the white mackerel sky, come like a daytime comet with a long unnebulous train of words, from Brooklyn, over the Brooklyn Bridge, on this fine morning, please come flying.