


陆地在水中;它是绿色的阴影。阴影,或者它们是浅的,在它的边缘显示出一排长长的海草的边缘,那里的杂草从绿色到简单的蓝色。还是陆地向下倾斜,把海水从下面提起来,把它平静地拉到自己周围?沿着细密的棕褐色沙质大陆架,陆地从海底拉着海洋吗?纽芬兰的阴影平坦而静止。拉布拉多是黄色的,爱斯基摩人给它上了油。我们可以在玻璃下抚摸这些可爱的海湾,仿佛它们即将开花,或者仿佛为看不见的鱼提供了一个干净的笼子。海滨城镇的名字流入大海,城市的名字越过邻近的山脉——这里的印刷工经历着同样的兴奋,就像情绪过度而失去了原因一样。这些半岛用拇指和手指捏着水,就像女人摸着院子里的绸缎一样。 Mapped waters are more quiet than the land is, lending the land their waves' own conformation: and Norway's hare runs south in agitation, profiles investigate the sea, where land is. Are they assigned, or can the countries pick their colors? -What suits the character or the native waters best. Topography displays no favorites; North's as near as West. More delicate than the historians' are the map-makers' colors.