


在生命和生活的狂喜中,我抬起头来,欢欣鼓舞,我感谢伟大的赐予者,给了我快乐的灵魂一个声音。在灿烂的天气里,在芬芳的空气里,我的担子轻如鸿毛?他们真让人受不了。在权力的力量和荣耀中,在财富的骄傲和快乐中(谁敢质疑我的才能、青春和健康的权力?),我可以嘲笑这个世界和它的圣人?我比忧愁的先见更大。因为知道喜乐的,在万古之中最有智慧。我举目仰望阿波罗——掌管美好日子的神,我的灵魂就像燕子一样飞升,消失在它的光芒中。你感到烦恼和悲伤吗?我恳求你从争斗的阴影中走出来吧?出来晒晒太阳,我教你生命的秘密。从这个世界出来? come above it ? Up over its crosses and graves, Though the green earth is fair and I love it, We must love it as masters, not slaves. Come up where the dust never rises ? But only the perfume of flowers ? And your life shall be glad with surprises Of beautiful hours. Come up where the rare golden wine is Apollo distills in my sight, And your life shall be happy as mine is, And as full of delight.