


今夜,我的灵魂像一只可怜的笼中之鸟,对着牢笼拍打着翅膀,渴望飞到外面光明的世界,不受束缚地在群星间翱翔。野性的,强大的思想在我的灵魂里挣扎着要把它说出来。激情的巨浪在我全身翻滚。闪电穿过雷云,耀眼的光束在我黑暗的头脑中闪过片刻——快速,突然,耀眼的光束,消失了,把我留在一个更黑暗,更深的夜晚。哦,诗人应该!想要与地球和平和谐地生活,这是不可能的!他们必须忍受良心和未被承认的价值带来的痛苦,和凡俗的人一起生活,他们的最高思想从未如此遥远,从未超越地平线;他们狭隘的心胸和灵魂从未被最强烈的快乐或最剧烈的痛苦所感动;起床,吃,睡,再起床,也不问为什么。他们的心灵从不被狂野的激情风所动摇; Women whose broadest, deepeat realm of thought The bridal veil will cover. Who see not God's mighty work lying undone to-day, - Work that a woman's hands can do as well, Oh, soul of mine; better to live alway In this tumultuous inward pain and strife, Doing the work that in thy reach doth fall, Weeping because thou canst not do it all; Oh, better, my soul, in this unrest to dwell, Than grovel as they grovel on through life.