


乐队正在演奏华尔兹四组舞,我觉得自己轻盈得像一根被风吹动的羽毛,当我们飘走的时候,对着呼唤者?我的意志,一起穿过错综复杂的,迷宫般的舞蹈。我们的队伍像模拟的军队一样相遇,慢慢地前进,然后撤退,所有的人都穿上了鲜艳的队形;跟着音乐来来回回?我们一起搬家,一直以来我都知道你要走了。当我们像树叶在华尔兹四组舞的浪涛上轻轻滑行时,你有力的臂弯把一阵震颤从心传到脑;分开,相遇,再分开?你飘向这边,我飘向那边,然后突然转身,面对彼此,然后在欢快的追逐中消失。然后轻快地回到我们的地方,摇摆着,而每一个节拍的音乐似乎在说,你要走了。我对自己的心说:“让我们尽情享受欢乐、音乐、爱情和欢笑吧;因为这一切都将以华尔兹四组舞结束,从此以后,生活将不再是原来的生活。 Oh that the caller might go on calling! Oh that the music might go on falling Like a shower of silver spray, While we whirled on to the vast Forever, Where no hearts break, and no ties sever, And no one goes away! A clamour, a crash, and the band was still, `Twas the end of the dream, and the end of the measure: The last low notes of that waltz-quadrille Seemed like a dirge o?er the death of Pleasure. You said good-night, and the spell was over ? Too warm for a friend, and too cold for a lover ? There was nothing else to say; But the lights looked dim, and the dancers weary, And the music was sad and the hall was dreary, After you went away.