


所有通向上帝的道路都是好的。你的信仰和我的信仰有什么关系?两者都以神圣的爱为中心?永远的兄弟情谊。是住在家里还是住在街上?祈祷和神秘仪式的生活?的学生吗?你在寻找真理和光明吗?这些小路在一个大路口交汇。在最古老的书诞生之前,许多先人的灵魂通过永恒的爱,到达了这个不变的目标。一个人是在冉冉升起的太阳中,还是在燃烧的火焰中找到了他的基督,这又有什么关系呢? In faith within him did not tire, His longing for the Truth sufficed. Before our modern hell was brought To edify the modern world, Full many a hate-filled soul was hurled In lakes of fire by its own thought. A thousand creeds have come and gone, But what is that to you or me? Creeds are but branches of a tree ? The root of love lives on and on. Though branch by branch proved withered wood, The root is warm with precious wine. Then keep your faith, and leave me mine ? All roads that lead to God are good.