


在秋高气爽的天气里,有一种思念萦绕在我的心头,死亡和冬天一起来了,虽然它们都被琥珀色的薄雾笼罩着,但我看到了皇家辉煌的森林!在我安静的房间里,我看着那张脸;一张美丽、悲伤、温柔的脸,都被烙上了末日的印记。在整个盛夏的日子里,一分钟一分钟,一小时一小时,我感到一个可怕的角落正在逼近。可怕力量的可怕存在。清晨,我听见鸟儿的鸣叫,它们从变黄的田野里飞了出来;中午和晚上,我的心受到警告,因为枫叶落了又落。漆树丛都在燃烧!世界是鲜红的,金色的,绿色的,亲爱的?她美丽的双颊羞于舞池女王的彩绘。 Why talk of winter, amid such glory? Why speak of death of a thing so fair? Oh, but the forest king white and hoary Is weaving a mantle for both to wear. God! If I could by the soft deceiving Of forests of splendour and cheeks of bloom Lull my heart into sweet believing Just for a moment and drown my gloom; If I could forget for a second only And rest from the pain of this awful dread Of the days that are coming long and lonely When the Autumn goes and she is dead. But all the while the sun gilds wood and meadow And the fair cheeks, hectic glows and cheats, I know grim death sits veiled in shadow Weaving for both their winding sheets. I cannot help, and I cannot save her. My hands are as weak as a babe?s new-born; I must yield her up to One who gave her And wait for the resurrection morn.