


我是世界上最古老的骑士爵士,上帝军团的骑士爵士,你已经跨越了奇怪的神秘边界,你已经踏上了真理的底层;你已经进入了圣所圣所,它通向上面的圣殿,在那里你像一块石头,一个基督所拣选的人,来到友谊和爱的王国。当你们站在这美丽的新领域,在那里你遇到的每一个人都是你的朋友,不要以为你们在大厅或避难所的承诺会终止;在外面,在欢乐的世界里,在外面,在商业的喧嚣中,在生活和日常的激烈斗争中,记住你许下的誓言。三、你们的敬礼,庄严而庄严;你们的象征,令人联想而甜蜜;你们的方阵,身穿制服,在欢庆的日子里,在街上游行;你的剑,你的羽毛,你的头盔,你隐藏在世人视线之外的“秘密”;这些都是构成真正骑士所需的小而次要的部分。四,殉道者们在圣殿光荣的法律下欢欣鼓舞,他们死在柴堆中,为他们事业的光荣和价值而呐喊——他们对"圣殿骑士"称号的尊敬不比今天的骑士多他们的名字上没有一丝耻辱的瑕疵,而是带着它度过了生命的磨难。为一项事业而活,努力使你的行为为它增添光彩,努力并永远遵守它的戒律,这比死亡要难得多。因为生命的战斗是无止境的,敌人,自我,永不疲倦,真正的骑士必须每天杀死狡猾的敌人,才能到达他想要的高度。 VI Sir Knight, have you pondered the meaning Of all you have heard and been told? Have you strengthened your heart for its weaning From vices and faults loved of old? Will you honor, in hours of temptation, Your promises noble and grand? Will your spirit be strong to do battle with wrong, 'And having done all, to stand?' VII Will you ever be true to a brother In actions as well as in creed? Will you stand by his side as no other Could stand in the hour of his need? Will you boldly defend him from peril, And lift him from poverty's curse- Will the promise of aid which you willingly made, Reach down from your lips to your purse? VIII The world's battle field is before you! Let Wisdom walk close by your side, Let Faith spread her snowy wings o'er you, Let Truth be your comrade and guide; Let Fortitude, Justice and Mercy Direct all your conduct aright, And let each word and act tell to men the proud fact, You are worthy the name of 'Sir Knight'.