


"大角星"是他的另一个名字?我宁愿叫他"明星"科学去干涉真是太卑鄙了!我前几天杀了一条虫子?一个“学者”路过,嘴里嘟囔着“复活药”?“蜈蚣”!“主啊?我们是多么脆弱啊!我从树林里摘一朵花?一个拿着玻璃的怪物一口气就计算出了雄蕊?并让她在一个“班”! Whereas I took the Butterfly Aforetime in my hat? He sits erect in "Cabinets"? The Clover bells forgot. What once was "Heaven" Is "Zenith" now? Where I proposed to go When Time's brief masquerade was done Is mapped and charted too. What if the poles should frisk about And stand upon their heads! I hope I'm ready for "the worst"? Whatever prank betides! Perhaps the "Kingdom of Heaven's" changed? I hope the "Children" there Won't be "new fashioned" when I come? And laugh at me?and stare? I hope the Father in the skies Will lift his little girl? Old fashioned?naught?everything? Over the stile of "Pearl."