


503好吗?比音乐!因为我吗?谁听到的?我被利用了?鸟?,以前?这个吗?是不同的?Twas翻译?在我知道的所有曲调中?和更多的吗? 'Twasn't contained?like other stanza? No one could play it?the second time? But the Composer?perfect Mozart? Perish with him?that Keyless Rhyme! So?Children?told how Brooks in Eden? Bubbled a better?Melody? Quaintly infer?Eve's great surrender? Urging the feet?that would?not?fly? Children?matured?are wiser?mostly? Eden?a legend?dimly told? Eve?and the Anguish?Grandame's story? But?I was telling a tune?I heard? Not such a strain?the Church?baptizes? When the last Saint?goes up the Aisles? Not such a stanza splits the silence? When the Redemption strikes her Bells? Let me not spill?its smallest cadence? Humming?for promise?when alone? Humming?until my faint Rehearsal? Drop into tune?around the Throne?