


大地是多么美丽,对你——充满了幸福!多么少充满真正的病痛,或痛苦的虚幻幻影!春天给你带来了多么大的荣耀,夏天又使你忘记了十二月的阴郁!青春已逝,你已接近盛年,你为何还紧紧抓住青春的宝藏?当那些与你同甘共苦,在财富和年岁上都与你平等的人,看到他们的早晨在泪水中融化,到阴云密布,没有笑容的日子;但愿他们年轻时未受考验就死去,在他们的心误入歧途之前,可怜的奴隶,被强烈的情感征服,软弱无助的猎物!”因为,我在他们享受的时候满怀希望;就像孩子们满怀信心地盼望着,我等待着幸福,珍惜着安息。一种深思熟虑的精神很快教会了我,我们必须长久到生命结束;尘世的欢乐总会消逝,总会令人生厌。这是我所预见的——我不愿去追逐稍纵即逝的奸诈; But, with firm foot and tranquil face, Held backward from that tempting race, Gazed o'er the sands the waves efface, To the enduring seas - ; There cast my anchor of desire Deep in unknown eternity; Nor ever let my spirit tire, With looking for what is to be! It is hope's spell that glorifies, Like youth, to my maturer eyes, All Nature's million mysteries, The fearful and the fair - Hope soothes me in the griefs I know; She lulls my pain for others' woe, And makes me strong to undergo What I am born to bear. Glad comforter! will I not brave, Unawed, the darkness of the grave? Nay, smile to hear Death's billows rave - Sustained, my guide, by thee? The more unjust seems present fate, The more my spirit swells elate, Strong, in thy strength, to anticipate Rewarding destiny !"