


河上有个精灵,岸上有个幽灵,他们在吟唱,他们在星光下永远歌唱,他们在寂静中,在岸边的阴影中偷偷地走着。当北方的蜡烛照亮北方的天空时,你可以听到他们的声音,那些苍白的,不确定的蜡烛火焰,颤抖着,飞散着,熄灭了,那些死人冰冷的指尖,穿过北方的天空。你能听到一个早已被遗忘的勇士的战斗号声回荡在午夜的森林里,回荡在午夜的波浪上,北方的灯笼因那勇士的战斗号声而颤抖。你听到一个声音在回应,但却是轻柔而温柔的歌声;那是达文丁的灵魂在歌唱,整夜歌唱;晚风的窃窃私语把她的灵魂之歌传得很远。哀号的松树也在呢喃,它们的声音与她的一致,当夜风吹过它们时,它们从睡梦中醒来,呢喃着;你听着他们的传说,他们的声音和她的融为一体。在靠近山的河边有仇有杀;多芬丁听着,心都停止了跳动:她的亲人或情人会成为山边的牺牲品吗? Who would be the great unconquered? who come boasting how he dealt Death? and show his rival's scalplock fresh and bleeding at his belt. Who would say, "O Dawendine! Look upon the death I dealt?" And she listens, listens, listens--till a war-cry rends the night, Cry of her victorious lover, monarch he of all the height; And his triumph wakes the horrors, Kills the silence of the night. Heart of her! it throbs so madly, then lies freezing in her breast, For the icy hand of death has chilled the brother she loved best; And her lover dealt the death-blow; And her heart dies in her breast. And she hears her mother saying, "Take thy belt of wampum white; Go unto yon evil savage while he glories on the height; Sing and sue for peace between us: At his feet lay wampum white. "Lest thy kinsmen all may perish, all thy brothers and thy sire Fall before his mighty hatred as the forest falls to fire; Take thy wampum pale and peaceful, Save thy brothers, save thy sire." And the girl arises softly, softly slips toward the shore; Loves she well the murdered brother, loves his hated foeman more, Loves, and longs to give the wampum; And she meets him on the shore. "Peace," she sings, "O mighty victor, Peace! I bring thee wampum white. Sheathe thy knife whose blade has tasted my young kinsman's blood to-night Ere it drink to slake its thirsting, I have brought thee wampum white." Answers he, "O Dawendine! I will let thy kinsmen be, I accept thy belt of wampum; but my hate demands for me That they give their fairest treasure, Ere I let thy kinsmen be. "Dawendine, for thy singing, for thy suing, war shall cease; For thy name, which speaks of dawning, Thou shalt be the dawn of peace; For thine eyes whose purple shadows tell of dawn, My hate shall cease. "Dawendine, Child of Dawning, hateful are thy kin to me; Red my fingers with their heart blood, but my heart is red for thee: Dawendine, Child of Dawning, Wilt thou fail or follow me?" And her kinsmen still are waiting her returning from the night, Waiting, waiting for her coming with her belt of wampum white; But forgetting all, she follows, Where he leads through day or night. There's a spirit on the river, there's a ghost upon the shore, And they sing of love and loving through the starlight evermore, As they steal amid the silence, And the shadows of the shore.