


“假的,”他们说,“你那苍白的情人,从醒着的早晨来的;起来和你的印第安追求者结婚吧,高贵的战士从未诞生;停止你的注视,停止你的梦想,让白种人看看你印第安人的轻蔑吧。于是他们嘲弄她,宣称:“他对你一点也不记得:他好像在遥远的内海向某个白人姑娘求爱。”但她总是和蔼地回答说:“他会再回到我身边的。”直到印度夏天的黄昏悄悄笼罩了西方的天空;当她扫视那起伏的大草原,山麓起伏的地方,深邃的暮色在她朦胧的眼睛里燃烧着。直到秋天来临又消失,直到雨季来临,直到西方世界被冬至的水晶锁链束缚,她仍然倾听着他的到来,她仍然注视着遥远的平原。然后,一个没有狂风暴雨的夜晚,也没有大雪纷飞的夜晚,那张苍白的脸在狂风中出现在没有道路的草原上,呼唤着,呼唤着,“雅孔维塔,我终于来了,亲爱的。”夜在他的上空盘旋,翅膀阴暗,寒冷而恐怖;他的迷途的脚步从来没有被引导到小径或帐篷; Till benumbed, he sank, and pillowed On the drifting snows his head, Saying, ``O! my Yakonwita call me, call me, be my guide To the lodge beyond the prairie-for I vowed ere winter died I would come again, belovèd ; I would claim my Indian bride.' ``Yakonwita, Yakonwita! 'Oh, the dreariness that strains Through the voice that calling, quivers, till a whisper but remains, ``Yakonwita, Yakonwita, I am lost upon the plains.' But the Silent Spirit hushed him, lulled him as he cried anew, ``Save me, save me! O! beloved, I am Pale but I am true. Yakonwita, Yakonwita I am dying, love, for you.' Leagues afar, across the prairie, she had risen from her bed, Roused her kinsmen from their slumber : ``He has come to-night,'she said. ``I can hear him calling, calling ; But his voice is as the dead. ``Listen! 'and they sate all silent, while the tempest louder grew, And a spirit-voice called faintly, ``I am dying, love, for you.' Then they wailed, ``O! Yakonwita. He was Pale, but he was true.' Wrapped she then her ermine round her, stepped without the tepee door, Saying, ``I must follow, follow, though he call for evermore, Yakonwita, Yakonwita ; ' And they never saw her more. Late at night, say Indian hunters, when the starlight clouds or wanes, Far away they see a maiden, misty as the autumn rains, Guiding with her lamp of moonlight Hunters lost upon the plains.