


(梦想)。没有一点污点,在那镶着太阳的蓝宝石杯里,那就是天空;没有一丝涟漪,在宫殿环绕的泻湖的黑色半透明的小路上。没有一声叫喊,船夫划着天鹅绒的桨,划过金色的午后。从这高处,在那流光溢彩的大理石路面上,雕刻着的泛黄的阳台上,可以看到桥下柔和的微光,那桥紧靠着迷宫般的水道,用它的山脊挡住了半边天。我们要在这象牙门廊上记录下所有的表演,假面演员和小丑,哑剧演员和吟游诗人,我们听着他们的音乐。在欢快的空气中,在彩虹般灿烂的阵雨中,从一条船飘到另一条船。看!他们来了,像一群蛇嗓黑羽的天鹅,带着曼陀罗琴,小提琴和鼓,宝石在未戴手套的手臂上燃烧,扇子飘动,漂浮的斗篷像一只大蛾子的斑纹的车,像维罗纳人所爱的。但看哪,在他们中间出现了一只平静的白天鹅。一艘奇怪的驳船,雪白的挂毯包裹着,雪白的流苏,银色的船头。 Who is here? Prince of Love in masquerade or Prince of Fear, Clad in glittering silken snow? Cheek and chin Where the mask's edge stops are of the hoar-frosts hue, And no eyebeams seem to sparkle from within Where the hollow rings have place. Yon gay crew Seem to fly him, he seems ever to pursue. 'T is our sport to watch the race. At his side Stands the goldenest of beauties; from her glance, From her forehead, shines the splendor of a bride, And her feet seem shod with wings, To entrance, For she leaps into a wild and rhythmic dance, Like Salome at the King's. 'T is his aim Just to hold, to clasp her once against his breast, Hers to flee him, to elude him in the game. Ah, she fears him overmuch! Is it jest,- Is it earnest? a strange riddle lurks half-guessed In her horror of his touch. For each time That his snow-white fingers reach her, fades some ray From the glory of her beauty in its prime; And the knowledge grows upon us that the dance Is no play 'Twixt the pale, mysterious lover and the fay- But the whirl of fate and chance. Where the tide Of the broad lagoon sinks plumb into the sea, There the mystic gondolier hath won his bride. Hark, one helpless, stifled scream! Must it be? Mimes and minstrels, flowers and music, where are ye? Was all Venice such a dream?