


“我不愿,”他说,“我死后不愿有眼泪,不愿有黑棺,不愿有虫蛀的坟墓,不愿有悲哀的狰狞的铠甲在我周围。音乐,鲜花,光明,伴着吉他和笛子的合唱舞蹈,当我的双唇沉默,我的双眼紧闭,让它们围绕着我吧。让我躺一天,那漫长而永恒的一天,沐浴在阳光下,裹着绸缎的胶泥,窒息在五月的鲜花下。一个完美的和平日,或者在纯净的火焰吞噬我肉体的面纱之前,我的生命——一个镀金的蒸气——将会呼出,短暂如叹——然后停止。但是,在某个真诚的人把火炬放在我不畏缩的四肢上之前,把许多黑眼睛的少女从明亮的、被海水亲吻的城镇带过来,穿过橘子芬芳的欢笑之地;我美丽的,心爱的敌人,如露珠般璀璨,如微风般撩人,每一个都穿着节日的礼服。我从他们那里学到了愚蠢的甜蜜和爱的痛苦,我的玫瑰,我的星星,我的安慰者,我的鸽子,可怜的飞蛾,我为他们而燃烧。一天,一小时的爱情,或一年的激情(誓言永恒),虽然彼此陌生,但对我来说都很珍贵,就像蜜蜂对花朵一样。它们将在我的周围慵懒地跳着对手舞,闪烁着微笑的目光,仿佛我没有死去,而是迅速地闪回爱。对温柔的露丝来说,这并不陌生,也许他们的胸脯也会充盈,看着他如此活跃,变得如此静止,炽热的血管变得如此洁白。 'And when the dance is o'er, The pinched guitar, the smitten tambourine, Have ceased their rhythmic beat,-oh, friends of mine, On my rich bier, then pour 'The garlands that ye wear, The happy rose that on your bosom breathes, The fresh-culled clusters and the dewy wreaths That crown your fragrant hair. 'Though blind, I still shall see, Though dead, shall feel your presence and shall know, I who was beauty's life-long slave, shall so Win her in death to me. 'Thanks, sisters, and farewell! Back to your joys. My brother shall make room For my tried sword upon the high-piled bloom, And fire the pinnacle. 'My soul, pure flame, shall leap To meet its parent essence once again My body dust and ashes shall remain, Tired heart and brain shall sleep. 'Life has one gate alone, Obscure, beset with peril and fierce pain. Large death has many portals to his fane, Why choose we to make moan? 'Why dwell with worms and clay When we may soar through air on wings of flame, Dissolve to small, white dust our perfect frame, And never know decay? 'A brother's pious hand The pure, fire-winnowed ashes shall inurn, And lay them in the orange grove where burn Globed suns that scent the land. 'The leaf shall be more green, Even for my dust-more snowy-soft the flower, More juicy-sweet the fruit's live pulp-the bower Richer that I have been. 'For I would not,' he said, 'Tears and the black pall and the wormy grave, Grief's hideous panoply I would not have Round me when I am dead.'