


我们生命的时代不存在于事实中,而存在于我们走在路边默默的思考中。——爱默生《青春》甜蜜的六月空荡的天空,没有一点污点,远处的山上有淡淡的灰蓝色的露雾,温暖的黄色阳光照耀着草地和平原,每一片黑暗的灌木林和洼地都充满了阳光;看不见的、雨水滋润的小溪流潺潺的笑声,开着洁白、粉红和金色小花的野草,潺潺的低语和歌唱的流线。苍苍苍老的大地,用露珠、阳光、薄纱和薄雾,更新着她的青春。她多么安静地撒谎,做梦,掩盖着真相,而一切都像早年一样清新!多么简单的事物,能使灵魂产生跳跃的快乐,使年轻的脉搏跳动,带着莫名的快乐,发现生活如此甜蜜。在这样一个金色的早晨,在柔软的大地和柔软的天空之间,在温暖的空气里,闪烁着闪光的微粒,那神秘的翅膀和闪烁的蝴蝶,一个人的灵魂,在人间天堂的花园中眩晕地盘旋,没有梦想更美丽的田野或更高的天空。2遗憾。细细的夏雨打在草地、灌木和树篱上,染红了路,加深了绿。在宽阔模糊的草坪上,在密密麻麻的莎草丛中; Veiling in gray the landscape stretched between These low broad meadows and the pale hills seen But dimly on the far horizon's edge. In these transparent-clouded, gentle skies, Wherethrough the moist beams of the soft June sun Might any moment break, no sorrow lies, No note of grief in swollen brooks that run, No hint of woe in this subdued, calm tone Of all the prospect unto dreamy eyes. Only a tender, unnamed half-regret For the lost beauty of the gracious morn; A yearning aspiration, fainter yet, For brighter suns in joyous days unborn, Now while brief showers ruffle grass and corn, And all the earth lies shadowed, grave, and wet; Space for the happy soul to pause again From pure content of all unbroken bliss, To dream the future void of grief and pain, And muse upon the past, in reveries More sweet for knowledge that the present is Not all complete, with mist and clouds and rain. III. Longing. Look westward o'er the steaming rain-washed slopes, Now satisfied with sunshine, and behold Those lustrous clouds, as glorious as our hopes, Softened with feathery fleece of downy gold, In all fantastic, huddled shapes uprolled, Floating like dreams, and melting silently, In the blue upper regions of pure sky. The eye is filled with beauty, and the heart Rejoiced with sense of life and peace renewed; And yet at such an hour as this, upstart Vague myriad longing, restless, unsubdued, And causeless tears from melancholy mood, Strange discontent with earth's and nature's best, Desires and yearnings that may find no rest. IV. Storm. Serene was morning with clear, winnowed air, But threatening soon the low, blue mass of cloud Rose in the west, with mutterings faint and rare At first, but waxing frequent and more loud. Thick sultry mists the distant hill-tops shroud; The sunshine dies; athwart black skies of lead Flash noiselessly thin threads of lightning red. Breathless the earth seems waiting some wild blow, Dreaded, but far too close to ward or shun. Scared birds aloft fly aimless, and below Naught stirs in fields whence light and life are gone, Save floating leaves, with wisps of straw and down, Upon the heavy air; 'neath blue-black skies, Livid and yellow the green landscape lies. And all the while the dreadful thunder breaks, Within the hollow circle of the hills, With gathering might, that angry echoes wakes, And earth and heaven with unused clamor fills. O'erhead still flame those strange electric thrills. A moment more,-behold! yon bolt struck home, And over ruined fields the storm hath come! V. Surprise. When the stunned soul can first lift tired eyes On her changed world of ruin, waste and wrack, Ah, what a pang of aching sharp surprise Brings all sweet memories of the lost past back, With wild self-pitying grief of one betrayed, Duped in a land of dreams where Truth is dead! Are these the heavens that she deemed were kind? Is this the world that yesterday was fair? What painted images of folk half-blind Be these who pass her by, as vague as air? What go they seeking? there is naught to find. Let them come nigh and hearken her despair. A mocking lie is all she once believed, And where her heart throbbed, is a cold dead stone. This is a doom we never preconceived, Yet now she cannot fancy it undone. Part of herself, part of the whole hard scheme, All else is but the shadow of a dream. VI. Grief. There is a hungry lon