


“啊,世界的上帝,给我财富吧!”埃及人喊道。他的祈祷得到了准许。高如天,看宫殿和金字塔;奔流的尼罗河把他的土地都洗得金黄。成群的奴隶像蚂蚁一样在他的脚下辛勤劳作,环绕世界的车辆在集市和街道上呼啸而过,他的祭司是神,他的香薰国王被奉为圣物,在岩石嶙峋的沟渠里把死亡当作儿歌。今天去寻找法老的种族,你会发现锈和蛾,沉默和尘封的睡眠。“啊,世界的上帝,赐予我美丽吧!”希腊人喊道。他的祈祷得到了准许。在他的感觉里,整个世界都变得可塑而有声;每一座山峰,每一片树林,每一条小溪,都闪烁着普罗米修斯的火焰,用形象的优雅和光明点缀着世界。 The lyre was his, and his the breathing might Of the immortal marble, his the play Of diamond-pointed thought and golden tongue. Go seek the sun-shine race, ye find to-day A broken column and a lute unstrung. 'O World-God, give me Power!' the Roman cried. His prayer was granted. The vast world was chained A captive to the chariot of his pride. The blood of myriad provinces was drained To feed that fierce, insatiable red heart. Invulnerably bulwarked every part With serried legions and with close-meshed Code, Within, the burrowing worm had gnawed its home, A roofless ruin stands where once abode The imperial race of everlasting Rome. 'O Godhead, give me Truth!' the Hebrew cried. His prayer was granted; he became the slave Of the Idea, a pilgrim far and wide, Cursed, hated, spurned, and scourged with none to save. The Pharaohs knew him, and when Greece beheld, His wisdom wore the hoary crown of Eld. Beauty he hath forsworn, and wealth and power. Seek him to-day, and find in every land. No fire consumes him, neither floods devour; Immortal through the lamp within his hand.