


ROSH-HASHANAH, 5638年。金色的收获潮来了,玉米在收割者的手下,扬起了骄傲的穗子。成熟的果园丰产丰富了土地;把初熟的果实带来,今晨献上,带着整个夏天珍藏的甜蜜,带着从百花中吸取的琥珀蜜,今天献上你最好的初熟果实,带着昏厥的心和劳碌的手,把醇厚的收获的辉煌战利品,献给施予者和取取者。拿起鼓来,拿起琴瑟,奏出甜美的旋律,用优美的诗篇来调和你的声音,吹响号角迎接新月。耶和华阿、你们要歌唱、圣哉、圣哉、圣哉。他使人死亡、又使人复活、使人受伤、又医治极痛、他的手苦待我们、又赐给我们平安。向你致敬,你在西部许诺的纤细弧线,你保证一定的富足、和平和安宁。随着一年的过去,愿一年的悲伤停止。因为现在以色列中有悲哀。枝子上的冠冕、就是枝子上的冠冕、都摘下来枯干了。他年事已高。 The priest, the good old man who wrought so well Upon his chosen globe. For he was one Who at his seed-plot toiled through rain and sun. Morn found him not as one who slumbereth, Noon saw him faithful, and the restful night Stole o'er him at his labors to requite The just man's service with the just man's death. What shall be said when such as he do pass? Go to the hill-side, neath the cypress-trees, Fall midst that peopled silence on your knees, And weep that man must wither as the grass. But mourn him not, whose blameless life complete Rounded its perfect orb, whose sleep is sweet, Whom we must follow, but may not recall. Salute with solemn trumpets the New Year, And offer honeyed fruits as were he here, Though ye be sick with wormwood and with gall.