


悬崖上的玉米是黄色的,飘动的草是绿色的,海浪像天空一样蓝,太阳欢快地照耀着。“马约莉,马约莉!你是否像我爱你一样,忠实地、真诚地爱我?”小女孩脸红了,白了,笑了,用她清澈的蓝眼睛回答他。“玛乔丽,你太温柔,太年轻了;我太老了,对你来说也太粗糙了。”小女孩信任地伸出手,回答说:“我爱你,忠诚而真诚。“玛乔丽,玛乔丽,我们什么时候结婚?””“只要你愿意,我就去。明天,今天。“玛乔丽,玛乔丽,如果你知道一切,你还会对我说你说过的话吗?””“如果我知道一切呢?小女孩说,“我知道你是肯尼斯,那个勇敢强壮的人;我知道我爱你,你很好,我以后会知道的,而且早就知道了。“玛乔丽,玛乔丽,如果我说我是从监狱逃到你这里来的; I stabbed a man all for jealous love; I am not noble, nor good, nor true?' 'Kenneth, your eyes would belie your words,' Boldly and bravely the lass replied. 'Why should God fill them with love and truth, And your heart with cruelty, hate, and pride?' 'Marjorie, Marjorie, if I should say That I loved many ere I loved you?' 'Ere you had seen me,' Marjorie said, ' How could you know I was loving and true?' 'Marjorie, Marjorie, if I should say That I was outcast on land and on sea?' 'All the more reason,' the little maid said, ' Why you should ever be loved by me.' 'Marjorie, Marjorie, if I should say That I was noble, and titled, and grand; Lord of the woods, and the castle, and park, Lord of the acres of corn o'er the land?' Dropping a courtesy, the little lass said, 'Still should I love you and ever be true; But if you found me too lowly and poor, I should bid farewell and go die for you.' 'Marjorie, darling, I tell you then, This is the truth, and the land is mine, And the castle, the park, and the vessel far off, And whatever is mine, is thine, dear, thine!'