

  • 时间1890 - 1973
  • 的地方
  • 国家澳大利亚


埃塞尔·特纳于1872年1月24日出生在英格兰约克郡的唐卡斯特。1880年,她与丧偶的母亲、姐姐莉莲和继姐姐珍妮一起移民到澳大利亚。在悉尼女子高中接受教育,她和莉莲写故事,编辑杂志——先是《虹膜》,然后是《帕台农神庙》。《帕台农神庙》每月出版,售价六便士一本,一般每月销售1500本。两姐妹都用了假名,给人的印象是杂志的各个部分是由许多撰稿人撰写的,而实际上,两姐妹自己完成了所有的写作。作为妹妹,艾瑟尔被留下来给孩子们写书页。埃塞尔继续在《悉尼新闻画报》上写《儿童版》,后来被《城乡日报》接管。她还为《公报》和英国《温莎杂志》撰稿。22岁时,埃塞尔·特纳的《七个小澳大利亚人》被沃德·洛克出版社接受并出版。十年后接受《生活》杂志采访时,她讲述了“我是如何写出七个小澳大利亚人的”。 The sequel Family at Misrule was published in 1895; the next in the series Little Mother Meg in 1902 and Judy and Punch, the story of Judy’s time away at boarding school, much later , in 1928. ETHEL TURNER’S PUBLISHERS Ward, Lock was Ethel Turner’s main publisher. William Steele, Ward, Lock’s Melbourne manager, wanted Seven Little Australians placed in the Lily Gift Book Series but Ethel Turner disliked both the appearance of the series and the idea of being part of an English series. Seven Little Australians instead appeared first in green or red covers with a gilt picture of Judy running across the cover. The covers were different for later editions, but Ward, Lock proceeded to use the same format for the covers of other Australian authors - Mary Grant Bruce, Lilian Turner and Lillian Pyke - thus creating an Australian series. This was also unacceptable to Ethel Turner. She offered four of her books to Hodder and Stoughton who published them in an illustrated edition, with four colour plates in each and a coloured overlay on the cloth covers. Fair Ines (1910), The Apple of Happiness (1911), The Secret of the Sea (1913) and Flower O’ the Pine (1914) appear in the exhibition. ADULT BOOKS Ethel Turner did not want to be solely a writer of children’s books, but her books written for adults were generally less successful. The first, The Story of a Baby (1895) was written soon after Seven Little Australians. The Ungardeners (1925) is another adult title. Ports and Happy Havens (1912) is a travel book. ‘Child of the Children’, displayed in the exhibition in both its original form as a story from Windsor Magazine and as an individual publication, appears to be the forerunner of George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion. WAR BOOKS Ethel Turner was wholeheartedly committed to Australia’s participation in World War 1. Her war trilogy The Cub (1915), Captain Cub (1917) and Brigid and the Cub (1919) follow the adventures of John Calthrop and advance Ethel Turner’s strong support of England and Empire, conscription and the need for Australian women to support the war effort. She emphasized the classlessness of Australian soldiers and looked forward to a more socially equitable Australia once the war was over. STORIES AND POEMS Ethel Turner also wrote poems and short stories. Gum Leaves (1900), Happy Hearts: a Picture Book for Boys and Girls (1908) and The Sunshine Family: a Book of Nonsense for Girls and Boys (1923), co authored by her daughter Jean Curlewis are examples of these. Ethel Turner died in 1973