


有人问:“告诉我,麦尔森,告诉我实话:你喜欢什么季节?”夏天对你最合适吗,当我们从丰收的辛劳中休息的时候?这是带着荣耀的秋天吗?是冬天吗,当我们用故事和歌声拥抱我们的炉火?还是说春天对你最公平——来吧,好麦森,告诉我实话!”另一个人回答说:“我的朋友,诸神凭智慧所赐给我们的,我们不必质疑;然而,既然你恳求我,我将恭敬地回答:夏天使我不愉快,因为它的太阳炙热;秋天带来可怕的疾病,所以我不喜欢它;至于刺骨的冬天,哦!我多么讨厌那里的冰雪啊! 'But, thrice welcome, kindly spring, With the myriad gifts you bring! Not too hot nor yet too cold, Graciously your charms unfold- Oh, your days are like the dreaming Of those nights which love beseems, And your nights have all the seeming Of those days of golden dreams! Heaven smiles down on earth, and then Earth smiles up to heaven again!'