Eugene Field

Here you will find thePoemA rhine-land drinking songof poet Eugene Field

A rhine-land drinking song

If our own life is the life of a flower (And that's what some sages are thinking), We should moisten the bud with a health-giving flood And 'twill bloom all the sweeter-- Yes, life's the completer For drinking, and drinking, and drinking. If it be that our life is a journey (As many wise folk are opining), We should sprinkle the way with the rain while we may; Though dusty and dreary, 'Tis made cool and cheery With wining, and wining, and wining. If this life that we live be a dreaming (As pessimist people are thinking), To induce pleasant dreams there is nothing, meseems, Like this sweet prescription, That baffles description-- This drinking, and drinking, and drinking.