


当她的敌人带着燃烧的火炬,残酷的剑和喧闹的鼓声来劫掠我的祖国法国时,我诅咒他和他的野蛮部落!然而,如果我们穿上痛苦的外衣,对她又有什么好处呢?让我们欢欢喜喜吧,——在欢笑中,我们也许能从敌人那里得到一些东西!啊,许多勇敢的人现在都在发抖。我(胆小鬼!)一点也不害怕;朋友们,当巴克斯送来他的祝福时,我的恐慌淹没在他的欢呼中。来吧,围在我简陋的餐桌旁,让波光粼粼的河水流淌,——你一边喝,一边咯咯地想:“我们从敌人手中救了这么多!”我的债主们把我团团围住,把我的住处团团围住,我只好不顾需要,答应还清我欠下的债;突然传来入侵的消息,如你所知;我不付钱; pray, lend me more,-- I--I will keep it from the foe! Now here's my mistress,--pretty dear!-- Feigns terror at this martial noise, And yet, methinks, the artful minx Would like to meet those soldier boys! I tell her that they're coarse and rude, Yet feel she don't believe 'em so,-- Well, never mind; so she be kind, That much I rescue from the foe! If, brothers, hope shall have in store For us and ours no friendly glance, Let's rather die than raise a cry Of welcome to the foes of France! But, like the swan that dying sings, Let us, O Frenchmen, singing go,-- Then shall our cheer, when death is near, Be so much rescued from the foe!