


我喜欢盎格鲁-撒克逊人的演讲,因为它直接揭示了;它抓住了你,似乎深入到你的感情;我知道有些人认为这是粗鲁的,因此他们滥用它;但我从来没有发现它是这样的,——在一切之前,我选择了它。我不反对男人们播放他们花钱买来的《高卢人》,用“再见”、“再见,我的孩子们”,因为法语就是为这些而生的。但当你的密友牵着你的手道别时,他会放下所有的外国行话,说:“再见——上帝保佑你!”在我看来,这是一句神圣的话,饱含着崇敬——从正义的日子里流传下来的东西,古雅而高贵;它很好地变成了一张诚实的脸,一个圆润而欢快的声音;它把坚强的人留在他的地方,安抚软弱和恐惧的人。它带着微妙的涂油,偷偷溜进你们的耳廓,在你们的心灵深处,似乎在发挥它那仁慈的作用; And all day long with pleasing song It lingers to caress you,-- I'm sure no human heart goes wrong That's told "Good-by--God bless you!" I love the words,--perhaps because, When I was leaving Mother, Standing at last in solemn pause We looked at one another, And I--I saw in Mother's eyes The love she could not tell me,-- A love eternal as the skies, Whatever fate befell me; She put her arms about my neck And soothed the pain of leaving, And though her heart was like to break, She spoke no word of grieving; She let no tear bedim her eye, For fear that might distress me, But, kissing me, she said good-by, And asked our God to bless me.