
在这里你会发现长诗vere de blaw教授诗人尤金·菲尔德

vere de blaw教授

我们的老朋友凯西(Casey)在他的红霍斯山餐厅(Red hos Mountain restaurant)取得了如此卓越的成就,使他的餐厅成为一个值得注意的地方,他对餐厅进行了一些创新,希望能改善人们对种族的痛苦;凯西设法引进了许多特色最重要的是一架史汀威大钢琴,在那里没人能用它演奏,他电传到丹佛,一个真正的钢琴师来了——凯西餐厅最后的和最高的荣耀就是那个没经验的音乐家,维尔·德·布劳钢琴师!他的头发又长又脏,皮肤更黄,没有领子使他的脖子看起来很细。你可能会猜想,他是一个很可怜的人,但他的眼睛里却闪烁着紫外线的灵感!他的名字叫勃朗,和布朗一样(因为凯西就是这么说的,凯西通过了法国人的考试,比任何法国人都好);可是谁也没想过这真的是他的名字,谁也没问过他是怎么来的,为什么来的,从哪里来的。你们科罗拉多人讨厌你们的古代历史,在美国也没人问别人他叫什么名字!晚上,当工作完成,矿工们聚集在凯西家,尽情地把酒喝,或把酒喝,或把玩桌子,尽情地享受它所有的本地荣耀时,维尔·德·布劳教授在斯廷威大钢琴上讲他的音乐,钢琴放在厨房附近的走廊里(一个温暖而安静的地方),当德·布劳的环境引起适当的骄傲时,——这通常是威士忌,一边喝着苏打水,——他把他那深情的灵魂扔进了露天的空气和飞向天花板的东西里,就像他催眠了琴弦一样。啊,你们这些住在老钢琴长得越来越大、老驴子也越来越多的城市里的人,你们几乎不知道我们这些矿工和其他的人对那些我们搬到西部以前常听的歌曲的那种渴望和渴望。是的,记忆是一件令人愉快的事情,但它很快就会消失;它有点干了,枯萎了,就像迎风的山溪,它,美丽的,唱着歌,跳着舞向平原,只要它有雪喂养,有雨浇灌; But, uv that grace uv lovin' rains 'nd mountain snows bereft, Its bleachin' rocks, like dummy ghosts, is all its memory left. The toons wich the perfesser would perform with sech eclaw Would melt the toughest mountain gentleman I ever saw,-- Sech touchin' opry music ez the Trovytory sort, The sollum "Mizer Reery," an' the thrillin' "Keely Mort;" Or, sometimes, from "Lee Grond Dooshess" a trifle he would play, Or morsoze from a' opry boof, to drive dull care away; Or, feelin' kind uv serious, he'd discourse somewhat in C,-- The wich he called a' opus (whatever that may be); But the toons that fetched the likker from the critics in the crowd Wuz not the high-toned ones, Perfesser Vere de Blaw allowed. 'T wuz "Dearest May," an' "Bonnie Doon," an' the ballard uv "Ben Bolt," Ez wuz regarded by all odds ez Vere de Blaw's best holt; Then there wuz "Darlin' Nellie Gray," an' "Settin' on the Stile," An' "Seein' Nellie Home," an' "Nancy Lee," 'nd "Annie Lisle," An' "Silver Threads among the Gold," an' "The Gal that Winked at Me," An' "Gentle Annie," "Nancy Till," an' "The Cot beside the Sea." Your opry airs is good enough for them ez likes to pay Their money for the truck ez can't be got no other way; But opry to a miner is a thin an' holler thing,--The music that he pines for is the songs he used to sing. One evenin' down at Casey's De Blaw wuz at his best, With four-fingers uv old Wilier-run concealed beneath his vest; The boys wuz settin' all around, discussin' folks an' things, 'Nd I had drawed the necessary keerds to fill on kings; Three-fingered Hoover kind uv leaned acrosst the bar to say If Casey'd liquidate right off, he'd liquidate next day; A sperrit uv contentment wuz a-broodin' all around (Onlike the other sperrits wich in restauraws abound), When, suddenly, we heerd from yonder kitchen-entry rise A toon each ornery galoot appeared to recognize. Perfesser Vere de Blaw for once eschewed his opry ways, An' the remnants uv his mind went back to earlier, happier days, An' grappled like an' wrassled with a' old familiar air The wich we all uv us had heern, ez you have, everywhere! Stock still we stopped,--some in their talk uv politics an' things, I in my unobtrusive attempt to fill on kings, 'Nd Hoover leanin' on the bar, an' Casey at the till,-- We all stopped short an' held our breaths (ez a feller sometimes will), An' sot there more like bumps on logs than healthy, husky men, Ez the memories uv that old, old toon come sneakin' back again. You've guessed it? No, you hav n't; for it wuzn't that there