


在这神圣的圣诞佳节,不要让尘世的欢乐,把我们的心填满无忧无虑的欢乐;但请把你天上的欢乐赐给我们,使我们能深切地把握你的爱,知道你的平安是崇高的。_ * * * * *佩尔国王的宫廷里洋溢着节日的欢声笑语和节日的欢乐,当木板散开的时候,现在你们都好了,很高兴看到这么公平勇敢的一群人以佩尔为首。“过来,伊莱恩,”佩勒斯国王喊道,“过来,坐在我身边,因为我知道,从来没有人能像你一样,用刀剑或酒来证明你的温柔美德,永远也不会有!”“亲爱的先生,我的父亲,”伊莱恩说,“即使它后悔给你带来痛苦——然而,我可以不拖延;如果我看见这群人而看不到朗赛洛特,我就要死去了!我的心除了这个别无爱——我的嘴唇只知道,父亲,你的吻;所以,请允许我去寻找我的栖身之所,那座孤寂的屋子,睡着他和我的孩子。”于是国王愤愤地皱起眉头;“把那个叛国的骑士抓起来,因为他在撒谎!”他叫道,“他是个卑鄙的、不信教的家伙,否则,我敢说,他决不会对他的新娘怯懦! 'Oh, I had liefer yield my life Than see thee the deserted wife Of dastard Launcelot! Yet, an'thou hast no mind to stay, Go with thy damosels away-- Lo, I'll detain ye not.' Her damosels in goodly train Back to her chamber led Elaine, And when her eyes were cast Upon her babe, her tears did flow And she did wail and weep as though Her heart had like to brast. The while she grieved the Yuletide sport Waxed lustier in King Pelles'court, And louder, houre by houre, The echoes of the rout were borne To where the lady, all forlorn, Made moning in the toure, 'Swete Chryste,'she cried, 'ne let me hear Their ribald sounds of Yuletide cheere That mock at mine and me; Graunt that my sore affliction cease And give me of the heavenly peace That comes with thoughts of thee!' Lo, as she spake, a wondrous light Made all that lonely chamber bright, And o'er the infant's bed A spirit hand, as samite pail, Held sodaine foorth the Holy Grail Above the infant's head. And from the sacred golden cup A subtle incense floated up And filled the conscious air, Which, when she breather, the fair Elaine Forgot her grief, forgot her pain. Forgot her sore despair. And as the Grail's mysterious balm Wrought in her heart a wondrous calm, Great mervail 'twas to see The sleeping child stretch one hand up As if in dreams he held the cup Which none mought win but he. Through all the night King Pelles'court Made mighty cheer and goodly sport. Nor never recked the joy That was vouchsafed that Christmass tide To Launcelot's deserted bride And to her sleeping boy. _Swete Chryste, let not the cheere of earth To fill our hearts with heedless mirth This present Christmasse night; But send among us to and fro Thy Holy Grail, that men may know The joy withe wisdom dight._