


有一天,谁会出现在这条路上,而不是那个开着两轮车的医生!他摇了摇他的马,叫道:“啊哈!我给你们带来了一个弓腿男孩!多可爱的小男孩啊!真是个有趣的小男孩!多么可爱的弓腿小男孩啊!”他拿出盒子,把它打开,里面是那个弓腿男孩!当他们看到这个狡猾的小家伙时,他们异口同声地说:“多么可爱的小男孩!多有趣的小男孩啊!多么可爱的弓腿小男孩啊!” Observing a strict geometrical law, They cut out his panties with a circular saw; Which gave such a stress to his oval stride That the people he met invariably cried: "What a cute little boy! What a funny little boy! What a dear little bow-leg boy!" They gave him a wheel and away he went Speeding along to his heart's content; And he sits so straight and he pedals so strong That the folks all say as he bowls along: "What a cute little boy! What a funny little boy! What a dear little bow-leg boy!" With his eyes aflame and his cheeks aglow, He laughs "aha" and he laughs "oho"; And the world is filled and thrilled with the joy Of that jolly little human, the bow-leg boy-- The cute little boy! The funny little boy! The dear little bow-leg boy! If ever the doctor-man comes my way With his wonderful box in his two-wheel shay, I 'll ask for the treasure I'd fain possess-- Now, honest Injun! can't you guess? Why, a cute little boy-- A funny little boy-- A dear little bow-leg boy!