


现在是净化Helicon的时候了;领着伊马提亚的马出征,清点我在罗马军营里的首领。如果我没有这方面的能力,这一尝试也是值得称赞的。"在同样大小的事物中,仅仅有行动的意志就足够了。"原始时代歌唱着维纳斯,最后歌唱着一场骚动,我也将歌唱战争,当这个女孩的事情被耗尽。我的嘴被拖上岸后,就会以一种更庄严的方式前进,我的缪斯女神渴望用一种新的音域来指导我,或者叫“gambetto”,“向上,向上,我的灵魂,从你卑微的歌声中,适时地振作起来。”啊,奥古斯特·皮里埃斯!现在是一个大嘴巴的产品。比如:“幼发拉底河拒绝为帕提亚人提供保护,并为克拉苏道歉”,“我想,现在是印度为你的胜利献上了脖子”,等等,奥古斯都。“处女阿拉伯在她的最深处颤抖。” If any land shrink into a distant seacoast, it is a mere postponement of your domination. And I shall follow the camp, I shall be duly celebrated for singing the affairs of your cavalry. May the fates watch over my day. 2 Yet you ask on what account I write so many love-lyrics And whence this soft book comes into my mouth. Neither Calliope nor Apollo sung these things into my ear, My genius is no more than a girl. If she with ivory fingers drive a tune through the lyre, We look at the process. How easy the moving fingers; if hair is mussed on her forehead, If she goes in a gleam of Cos, in a slither of dyed stuff, There is a volume in the matter; if her eyelids sink into sleep, There are new jobs for the author; And if she plays with me with her shirt off, We shall construct many Iliads. And whatever she does or says We shall spin long yarns out of nothing. Thus much the fates have allotted me, and if, Maecenas, I were able to lead heroes into armour, I would not, Neither would I warble of Titans, nor of Ossa spiked onto Olympus, Nor of causeways over Pelion, Nor of Thebes in its ancient respectability, nor of Homer's reputation in Pergamus, Nor of Xerxes' two-barreled kingdom, nor of Remus and his royal family, Nor of dignified Carthaginian characters, Nor of Welsh mines and the profit Marus had out of them, I should remember Caesar's affairs . . . for a background, Although Callimachus did without them, and without Theseus, Without an inferno, without Achilles attended of gods, Without Ixion, and without the sons of Menoetius and the Argo and without Jove's grave and the Titans. And my ventricles do not palpitate to Caesarial ore rotundas, Nor to the tune of the Phrygian fathers. Sailor, of winds; a plowman, concerning his oxen; Soldier, the enumeration of wounds; the sheep-feeder, of ewes; We, in our narrow bed, turning aside from battles: Each man where he can, wearing out the day in his manner. 3 It is noble to die of love, and honourable to remain uncuckolded for a season. And she speaks ill of light women, and will not praise Homer Because Helen's conduct is 'unsuitable'.