


? ? . .“这就是一个终有一死的人,并寻求超越死亡的事物!”“~曼弗雷德。你的声音占上风——亲爱的朋友,我温柔的朋友!这颗为你封闭已久的心将会被打开,虽然你温柔的眼睛会哀伤地俯视那混乱的河流,但一旦显露,它的自由之水将会流动;那么岩石必须永远关闭,在它们黑暗的安息之上。来吧,趁天空绚丽的神秘融合在夕阳的深红色海洋里;到树林里来吧,在那里,所有奇怪的声音都融合成深沉的和谐;在那里,树叶因精神而颤动,而风充满了一个无形的生命,不受限制,颤抖的芦苇和喷泉——我们自己的住所,带着绿色的朦胧和风的气息,将非常适合揭开黑暗的记录——用温柔和沉默的信念听我说!在生命清新的春日早晨,你还不认识我——我希望你早就认识我了!——那时我的心已倾注了更有价值的爱; now, all o'erworn By its deep thirst for something too divine, It hath but fitful music to bestow, Echoes of harp-strings broken long ago. Yet even in youth companionless I stood, As a lone forest-bird 'midst ocean's foam; For me the silver cords of brotherhood Were early loosed; the voice from my home Passed one by one, and melody and mirth Left me a dreamer by a silent hearth. But, with the fulness of a heart that burned For the deep sympathies of mind, I turned From that unanswering spot, and fondly sought In all wild scenes with thrilling murmurs fraught, In every still small voice and sound of power, And flute-note of the wind through cave and bower A perilous delight! - for then first woke My life's lone passion, the mysterious quest Of secret knowledge; and each tone that broke From the wood-arches or the fountain's breast, Making my quick soul vibrate as a lyre, But ministered to that strange inborn fire. 'Midst the bright silence of the mountain dells, In noontide hours or golden summer-eves, My thoughts have burst forth as a gale that swells Into a rushing blast, and from the leaves Shakes out response. O thou rich world unseen! Thou curtained realm of spirits! - thus my cry Hath troubled air and silence - dost thou lie Spread all around, yet by some filmy screen Shut from us ever? The resounding woods, Do their depths teem with marvels? - and the floods, And the pure fountains, leading secret veins Of quenchless melody through rock and hill, Have they bright dwellers? - are their lone domains Peopled with beauty, which may never still Our weary thirst of soul? Cold, weak and cold, Is earth's vain language, piercing not one fold Of our deep being! Oh, for gifts more high! For a seer's glance to rend mortality! For a charmed rod, to call from each dark shrine The oracles divine! I woke from those high fantasies, to know My kindred with the earth - I woke to love: O gentle friend! to love in doubt and woe, Shutting the heart the worshipped name above, Is to love deeply - and my spirit's dower Was a sad gift, a melancholy power Of so adoring - with a buried care, And with the o'erflowing of a voiceless prayer, And with a deepening dream that day by day, In the still shadow of the lonely sway, Folded me closer, till the world held nought Save the one being to my centred thought. There was no music but his voice to hear; No joy but such as with his step drew near: Light was but where he looked - life where he moved: Silently, fervently, thus, thus I loved. Oh! but such love is fearful! - and I knew Its gathering doom: the soul's prophetic sight Even then unfolded in my breast, and threw O'er all things round a full, strong, vivid light, Too sorrowfully clear! - an under-tone Was given to Nature's harp, for me alone Whispering of grief. Of grief? - be strong, awake! Hath not thy love been victory, O my soul? Hath not its conflict won a voice to shake Death's fastness? - a magic to control Worlds far removed? - from o'er the grave to thee Love hath made answer; and thy tale should be Sung like a lay of triumph! Now return, And take thy treasure from its bosomed urn, And lift it once to light! In fear, in pain, I said I loved - but yet a heavenly strain Of sweetness floated down the tearful stream, A joy flashed through the trouble of my dream! I knew myself beloved! - we breathed no vow, No mingling visions might our fate allow, As unto happy hearts; but still and deep, Like a rich jewel gleaming in a grave, Like golden sand in some dark river's wave, So did my soul that costly knowledge keep So jealousy! - a thing o'er which to shed, When stars alone beheld the drooping head, Lone tears! yet ofttimes burdened with