

  • 时间1825 - 1911
  • 的地方
  • 国家美国


弗朗西丝·艾伦·沃特金斯于1825年9月25日出生在马里兰州的奴隶城市巴尔的摩。她从未经历过奴隶制的艰辛,但她将一生奉献给废奴运动,她称之为“更光明的明天”。在她叔叔的学校接受教育,并在一家书店工作后,她转向了出版业。1845年出版了一本名为《森林树叶》的诗集,没有一本留存下来。五年后,沃特金斯离开马里兰州前往俄亥俄州,在哥伦布附近的联合神学院任教,然后于1852年在宾夕法尼亚州的小约克任教。1854年,她的第二本诗集《杂项诗》(poems on Miscellaneous Subjects,波士顿,1854年)问世,售出1万册。那一年,她住在费城的一个地下火车站,奴隶们通过那里向北转移到安全的地方。此后,她的演讲事业蒸蒸日上:直到1861年,她走遍了新英格兰、上加拿大、俄亥俄州、密歇根州和宾夕法尼亚州,主要谈论民权、非裔美国人的教育以及禁酒问题。弗朗西丝于1860年嫁给了芬顿·哈珀,他们在哥伦布附近的一个农场定居,直到他于1864年去世。他们有一个女儿,玛丽。 After the civil war, Harper published Moses: A Story of the Nile (1869), another book of poetry, and continued her lecturing. About 1871 she returned to Philadelphia to settle at 1006 Bainbridge Street and to work for the YMCA. A fourth book of poems, Sketches of Southern Life, published in 1872. One year after she published a novel, Iola Leroy (1892), dedicated to her daughter, Harper became director of the American Association of Coloured Youth. Three more books followed quickly: The Sparrow's Fall and Other Poems (1894), Atlanta Offering : Poems and Martyr of Alabama and Other Poems (both 1895). She became vice-president of the National Association of Coloured Women in 1896. Harper died on February 22, 1911,she was then 85 years old, surviving her daughter by several years she is buried in Eden Cemetery in Philadelphia.