


自从你熟悉的脚步离开了那座缪斯曾为西奈山和撒拉弗神作赞美诗的山,我们和歌唱都已疲惫不堪,无法眺望,无法长久;是的,歌唱和我们也无法长久凝望。现在在两山的光辉中,装扮你的面容,加倍神圣!从摩西和缪斯那里得到了你双重律法的表格!让那一块岩石为你生出泉源,使你两国的歌都从这两种泉源中重新焕发出来;不然我们会担心,上天这么久,你会忘记你本土的歌,用天空断断续续的结巴玷污你尘世的旋律。啊!愿耶和华馨香的飞鸟、与地上的水相合。教你如何在月桂树上雕刻十字架,赫斯庇得斯的果实在伊甸树上闪耀,缪斯的神圣树林被橄榄树的红露浸湿,萨福把她燃烧的眉毛躺在白雪皑皑的塞西莉亚的膝上!你的童年一定受到过太神圣的影子的刺痛;它那芬芳的心曾是一朵花,在黑暗中绽放,那些上帝的萤火虫邀请,燃烧的精灵,在夜晚,用它们满载的翅膀,飞到这些孕育的心。花的夜翼使之肥沃,嘲笑星星不稳的眼睛,用快乐的,不眠的目光凝视着月亮的面容。 I think thy girlhood's watchers must Have took thy folded songs on trust, And felt them, as one feels the stir Of still lightnings in the hair, When conscious hush expects the cloud To speak the golden secret loud Which tacit air is privy to; Flasked in the grape the wine they knew, Ere thy poet-mouth was able For its first young starry babble. Keep'st thou not yet that subtle grace? Yea, in this silent interspace, God sets His poems in thy face! The loom which mortal verse affords, Out of weak and mortal words, Wovest thou thy singing-weed in, To a rune of thy far Eden. Vain are all disguises! Ah, Heavenly incognita! Thy mien bewrayeth through that wrong The great Uranian House of Song! As the vintages of earth Taste of the sun that riped their birth, We know what never cadent Sun Thy lamped clusters throbbed upon, What plumed feet the winepress trod; Thy wine is flavorous of God. Whatever singing-robe thou wear Has the Paradisal air; And some gold feather it has kept Shows what Floor it lately swept!