


“我们播下肥沃的种子,然后收获它;我们打金色的谷粒;我们揉面包。吃的人欢喜。他们把钱藏在仓库里,而我们却在外面饿得像铅一样。阿利路亚!我们凿了石头,看见了,就筑城。另一些人则在那里安居乐业。除了怜悯,我们别无所求;除了随心所欲,我们别无所求。阿利路亚! 'Is it for ever, fathers, say, and mothers, That we must toil and never know the light? Is it for ever, sisters, say, and brothers, That they must grind us dead here in the night? Hallelujah! 'O we who sow, reap, knead, shall we not also Have strength and pleasure of the food we make? O we who hew, build, deck, shall we not also The happiness that we have given partake? Hallelujah!'