


我理解职员们的无聊——疲劳在他们眼中像沙丘一样移动——一种可怕的恶心,把曾经被认为是伪装的攻击性的工作弄得一团糟。你还记得吗?然后,当月亮在工厂上空懒洋洋地像铅弹幕一样滑过心中,欲望的强烈库存时,它看起来是多么轻盈的死亡啊。如今,女人携着钱在我们的梦中徘徊,使我们羞愧不已的是,我们的手不为迅疾的血沉的战船,不为昏沉的白马,也不为声名狼藉而抽搐,而是紧紧抓住阴云笼罩着苍白天空的腹股沟,在她们共同的目光中,双眸正在下沉。我的船被抛在阴沟的手腕上,呼号着暴风雨的帮助,去侵犯你那已被你的好奇心冲得太迟的肉体。你的吊袜带之舌想捻的枝干,沉在无波的胸脯的薄雾里,沉在城市的大腿上,沉在幽灵,沉在仇恨,沉在高塔上,高塔上的鸽子,精致地,逃进了我的血里,没有人亲吻它们。你把我丢到阴沟里去了,而我却答应了大海爱我的公开愿望,就像篝火的警惕之手守护着海岸,守护着毛茸茸的沙滩,守护着我们最优雅的淫荡的汁水,守护着我的船沉没在阴沟里的鱼下面。3然后我如何,我最亲爱的冬天躺,吐出的美味的虫子吃我下降到干的一条高速公路的热心的彩虹是勺子平杯和卑鄙的蓝色适合力倾心于加热针的手臂发现附近的服侍者自己的舌头的悔恨血液和仍然远离伤害,因此吃起来狼吞虎咽地解决了火山的里程表,罢工虹膜进入火焰加热和流改正气喘吁吁杯把派克:你不是众神怎么不肯死的,而我的眼睛下面永远伤痕累累。我的眼睛是什么? if they must feed me, rank with forgetting, in the jealous forest of lustrous blows, so luminously blank through smoke and in the light. All faint, at rest, yet I am racing towards the fear that kills them off, friends and lovers, hast'ning through tears like alcohol high in the throat of hills and hills of night, alluring! their black cheers falling upon my ears like nails. And there the bars grow thick with onanists and camps and bivouacs of bears with clubs, are fair with their blows, deal death beneath purple lamps and to me! I run! closer always move, crying my name in fields of dead I love. 5 I plunge deep within this frozen lake whose mirrored fastnesses fill up my heart, where tears drift from frivolity to art all white and slobbering, and by mistake are the sky. I'm no whale to cruise apart in fields impassive of my stench, my sake, my sign to crushing seas that fall like fake pillars to crash! to sow as wake my heart and don't be niggardly. The snow drifts low and yet neglects to cover me, and I dance just ahead to keep my heart in sight. How like a queen, to seek with jealous eye the face that flees you, hidden city, white swan. There's no art to free me, blinded so.