


这是我的午餐时间,所以我在蜂黄色的出租车中散步。首先,在人行道上,工人们戴着黄色的头盔,给他们脏兮兮的闪闪发光的躯干喂食三明治和可口可乐。我猜是为了保护他们不被掉下来的砖头砸到。然后走到大街上,裙子在高跟鞋上翻动,在格栅上爆炸。太阳很热,但出租车搅动了空气。我看减价手表。有猫在木屑中玩耍。到了时代广场,标牌上的烟雾从我头顶吹过,再往上,瀑布轻轻倾泻而下。一个黑人拿着牙签站在门口,无精打采地烦躁不安。一个金发女郎敲了一下,他微笑着揉了揉下巴。所有的东西突然都鸣笛了:现在是星期四的12点40分。 Neon in daylight is a great pleasure, as Edwin Denby would write, as are light bulbs in daylight. I stop for a cheeseburger at JULIET'S CORNER. Giulietta Maina, wife of Federico Fellini, é bell' attrice. And chocolate malted. A lady in foxes on such a day puts her poodle in a cab. There are several Puerto Ricans on the avenue today, which makes it beautiful and warm. First Bunny died, then John Latouche, then Jackson Pollock. But is the earth as full of life was full, of them? And one has eaten and one walks, past the magazines with nudes and the posters for BULLFIGHT and the Manhatten Storage Warehouse, which they'll soon tear down. I used to think they had the Armory Show there. A glass of papaya juice and back to work. My heart is in my pocket, it is Poems by Pierre Reverdy.