


我觉得你很棒,其他人也都这么认为。就像杰奎琳·肯尼迪有了一个男孩,你也会有——甚至更大。你会遇到一个高个子漂亮的金发陌生人,你不会打招呼。你将进行一次长途旅行,虽然独自一人,但你会很高兴。你会嫁给第一个告诉你你的眼睛像炒鸡蛋的人。一开始就有你——我想永远都有你。你将写一部伟大的剧本,它将连续演出三场。请立即打电话给《乡村之声》,他们想采访你。罗杰·l·史蒂文斯和科米特·布卢姆加登盯着你呢。放松一点; one of your most celebrated nervous tics will be your undoing. Your first volume of poetry will be published as soon as you finish it. You may be a hit uptown, but downtown you're legendary! Your walk has a musical quality which will bring you fame and fortune. You will eat cake. Who do you think you are, anyway? Jo Van Fleet? You think your life is like Pirandello, but it's really like O'Neill. A few dance lessons with James Waring and who knows? Maybe something will happen. That's not a run in your stocking, it's a hand on your leg. I realize you've lived in France, but that doesn't mean you know EVERYTHING! You should wear white more often--it becomes you. The next person to speak to you will have a very intriquing proposal to make. A lot of people in this room wish they were you. Have you been to Mike Goldberg's show? Al Leslie's? Lee Krasner's? At times, your disinterestedness may seem insincere, to strangers. Now that the election's over, what are you going to do with yourself? You are a prisoner in a croissant factory and you love it. You eat meat. Why do you eat meat? Beyond the horizon there is a vale of gloom. You too could be Premier of France, if only ... if only...