


我得告诉你我永远爱你我觉得灰色早晨与死亡在我口中的茶是没有足够热然后和栗色长袍发冷香烟干我我需要你和晚上看着窗外无声的雪在码头上公共汽车发光像云和我孤独的思考长笛我想念你总是当我去海滩的沙子是我泪水沾湿了,虽然我从来没有哭,抱着你在我的心里有一个非常现实的幽默你会骄傲的停车场lot is crowded and I stand rattling my keys the car is empty as a bicycle what are you doing now where did you eat your lunch and were there lots of anchovies it is difficult to think of you without me in the sentence you depress me when you are alone Last night the stars were numerous and today snow is their calling card I'll not be cordial there is nothing that distracts me music is only a crossword puzzle do you know how it is when you are the only passenger if there is a place further from me I beg you do not go