


贺拉斯:第三卷,第三颂"Carminis interea nostri redæmus in orbem "那么,让我们暂时,回到我们习惯的押韵上来;让我那熟悉的歌声打动我夫人的心。人们说俄耳甫斯用他的琵琶能驯服最凶猛的野兽;他的那首《主题变奏曲》将会是最流行的。他们说,吟游诗人的歌声把锡斯æron的岩石移到了底比斯,你可能还记得,它们在那里形成了一堵墙。加拉提亚,可爱的少女,在埃特纳山野的坚贞下,她的战马滴着水,听着波利斐曼人的歌声。那么,既然巴克斯和阿波罗抓住了我的手,你所听到的所有少女都对我最微不足道的一句话感兴趣,这又有什么奇怪呢?我家里的Tænerian柱子不是;也没有金色的穹顶;我没有公园,没有马西安的春天,没有果园——不,什么都没有。 The Muses, though, are friends of mine; Some readers love my lyric line; And never is Callipoe Awearied by my poetry. O happy she whose meed of praise Hath fallen upon my sheaf of lays! And every song of mine is sent To be thy beauty's monument. The Pyramids that point the sky, The House of Jove that soars so high, Mausolus' tomb--they are not free From Death his final penalty. For fire or rain shall steal away The crumbling glory of their day; But fame for wit can never die, And gosh! I was a gay old guy!