


哦,有些人可能会歌颂汹涌的大海,或吟唱汹涌的大海;或者讲述被肆虐的飓风吹走的尾轨。带着一种啊,咸咸的海水溅在狂魔的脸颊上的感觉!噢,为了那吱吱作响的桅杆发出的呜咽声和索桅发出的痛苦的吱吱声!有些人可能会歌颂大桅船,有些人会歌颂四桅船,还有一些人会歌颂那一天,当鲱鱼来袭,击中我们的船尾。哦,有些人可能会歌颂在邱园为水手的爱而牺牲的女孩,有些人可能会歌颂汹涌的大海,正如我在上面所说的。哦,有些人可能渴望开阔的道路,或者渴望草原的微风;有些人,厌倦了城市的紧张,可能渴望低语的树木。噢,但愿雨能凉我的脸,但愿风能吹我的头发!噢,去欢乐园的路,在那里我可以找到我的爱人!有些人可能喜欢躺在空旷而寂静的夜里,以露珠为衾,以月亮和星星为光。 Let others sing of the soughing pines and the winds that rustle and roar, And others long for the Open Roadm as I may have remarked before. Ay, some may sing of the bursting bomb and the screech of a screaming shell, Or tell the tale of the cruel trench on the other side of hell. And some may talk of the ten mile hike in the dead of a winter night, And others chaunt of the doughtie Kyng with mickle valour dight. And some may long for the song of a child and the lullaby's fairy charm, And others yearn for the crack of the bat and the wind of the pitcher's arm. Oh, some have longed for this and that, and others have craved and yearned; And they all may sing of whatever they like, as far as I'm concerned.