

  • 时间1889 - 1957
  • 的地方小羊驼
  • 国家智利


米斯特拉尔出生在智利Vicuña,但在安第斯山脉的一个小村庄蒙特格兰德长大,在那里她上的小学是由她的姐姐埃梅利娜·莫利纳(Emelina Molina)教的。她非常尊敬她的妹妹。她的父亲Juan Gerónimo Godoy Villanueva也是一名教师。在她三岁之前,他就抛弃了这个家庭,并于1911年去世,与这个家庭长期疏远。在她的早年,她从未远离贫穷。15岁时,她在智利拉塞雷纳附近的海滨小镇Compañia Baja当教师助理,养活了自己和她的裁缝母亲Petronila Alcayaga。1904年,米斯特拉尔在当地报纸《El Coquimbo: Diario Radical》和《La Voz de Elqui》上发表了一些早期诗歌,如Ensoñaciones, Carta Íntima(“亲密的信”)和Junto al Mar,使用了一系列笔名和她的民事姓名的变体。也许早在1900年,当她与姐姐和母亲住在埃尔基山谷时,或者晚到1906年,当一名教师时,米斯特拉尔就遇到了铁路工人罗梅利奥·乌雷塔,他于1909年自杀了。死亡的深刻影响已经出现在诗人的作品中;他对自杀的描写使他比前几代拉丁美洲诗人更广泛地思考死亡和生命。 While Mistral had passionate friendships with various men and women, and these impacted her writings, she was secretive about her emotional life. An important moment of formal recognition came on December 22, 1914, when Mistral was awarded first prize in a national literary contest Juegos Florales in Santiago, with the work Sonetos de la Muerte (Sonnets of Death). She had been using the pen name Gabriela Mistral since June 1908 for much of her writing. After winning the Juegos Florales she infrequently used her given name of Lucila Godoy for her publications. She formed her pseudonym from the two of her favorite poets, Gabriele D'Annunzio and Frédéric Mistral or, as another story has it, from a composite of the Archangel Gabriel and the Mistral wind of Provence. Poor health somewhat slowed Mistral's traveling. During the last years of her life she made her home in the town of Roslyn, New York; in early January of 1957 she transferred to Hempstead, New York, where she died from pancreatic cancer on January 10, 1957, aged 67. Her remains were returned to Chile nine days later. The Chilean government declared three days of national mourning, and hundreds of thousands of Chileans came to pay her their respects.