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La Priere de Nostre Dame

全能的、仁慈的女王,全世界都向她逃去寻求帮助,去释放罪恶、悲伤和青春!光荣的处女!百花纷飞,我奔向你,迷惘迷惘!万能的温文尔雅啊,帮帮我,减轻我的痛苦吧!残酷的对手征服了我。你心中的恩宠,是他的帐棚,我真不知道你会不会来救我;你不能警告我,我怀着善意请求你的帮助,你的心是如此自由!你是无尽的幸福,宁静和休息的避风港和避难所!瞧!那小偷怎么追我! Help, Lady bright, ere that my ship to-brest! C. Comfort is none, but in you, Lady dear! For lo! my sin and my confusion, Which ought not in thy presence to appear, Have ta'en on me a grievous action, Of very right and desperation! And, as by right, they mighte well sustene That I were worthy my damnation, Ne were it mercy of you, blissful Queen! D. Doubt is there none, Queen of misericorde, That thou art cause of grace and mercy here; God vouchesaf'd, through thee, with us t'accord; For, certes, Christe's blissful mother dear! Were now the bow y-bent, in such mannere As it was first, of justice and of ire, The rightful God would of no mercy hear; But through thee have we grace as we desire. E. Ever hath my hope of refuge in thee be'; For herebefore full oft in many a wise Unto mercy hast thou received me. But mercy, Lady! at the great assize, When we shall come before the high Justice! So little fruit shall then in me be found, That, thou ere that day correcte me, Of very right my work will me confound. F. Flying, I flee for succour to thy tent, Me for to hide from tempest full of dread; Beseeching you, that ye you not absent, Though I be wick'. O help yet at this need! All have I been a beast in wit and deed, Yet, Lady! thou me close in with thy grace; Thine enemy and mine, -- Lady, take heed! -- Unto my death in point is me to chase. G. Gracious Maid and Mother! which that never Wert bitter nor in earthe nor in sea, But full of sweetness and of mercy ever, Help, that my Father be not wroth with me! Speak thou, for I ne dare Him not see; So have I done in earth, alas the while! That, certes, but if thou my succour be, To sink etern He will my ghost exile. H. He vouchesaf'd, tell Him, as was His will, Become a man, as for our alliance, And with His blood He wrote that blissful bill Upon the cross, as general acquittance To ev'ry penitent in full creance; And therefore, Lady bright! thou for us pray; Then shalt thou stenten alle His grievance, And make our foe to failen of his prey. I. I wote well thou wilt be our succour, Thou art so full of bounty in certain; For, when a soule falleth in errour, Thy pity go'th, and haleth him again; Then makest thou his peace with his Sov'reign, And bringest him out of the crooked street: Whoso thee loveth shall not love in vain, That shall he find as he the life shall lete. K. Kalendares illumined be they That in this world be lighted with thy name; And whoso goeth with thee the right way, Him shall not dread in soule to be lame; Now, Queen of comfort! since thou art the same To whom I seeke for my medicine, Let not my foe no more my wound entame; My heal into thy hand all I resign. L. Lady, thy sorrow can I not portray Under that cross, nor his grievous penance; But, for your bothe's pain, I you do pray, Let not our aller foe make his boastance, That he hath in his listes, with mischance, Convicte that ye both have bought so dear; As I said erst, thou ground of all substance! Continue on us thy piteous eyen clear. M. Moses, that saw the bush of flames red Burning, of which then never a stick brenn'd, Was sign of thine unwemmed maidenhead. Thou art the bush, on which there gan descend The Holy Ghost, the which that Moses wend Had been on fire; and this was in figure. Now, Lady! from the fire us do defend, Which that in hell eternally shall dure. N. Noble Princess! that never haddest peer; Certes if any comfort in us be, That cometh of thee, Christe's mother dear! We have none other melody nor glee, Us to rejoice in our adversity; Nor advocate, that will and dare so pray For us, and for as little hire as ye, That helpe for an Ave-Mary or tway. O. O very light of eyen that be blind! O very lust of labour and distress! O treasurer of bounty to mankind! The whom God chose to mother for humbless! From his ancill he made thee mistress Of heav'n and earth, our billes up to bede; This world awaiteth ever on thy goodness;